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American Roulette

Casino Gran Vía Madrid

One of the oldest betting games in the world

American Roulette is a game where participants play against the Casino. The objective is guessing in which roulette number the ball will fall.

At Casino Gran Vía, you’ll find American Roulette tables in the second floor. The Salón Real is the perfect place to enjoy one of the most famous games in the world in an exclusive environment.

This is one of the oldest betting games in the world, which has given rise to different hypotheses about its origins. From the evolution of a game played in ancient China, to a training method in ancient Roman camps, to keep the soldiers entertained, until it appeared in 17th century France when Blaise Pascal invented a roulette with 36 numbers.

The game continued to evolve until the French brothers François & Louis Blanc added number zero, in the late 19th century. This roulette, the one we know nowadays, was first introduced at the Montecarlo Casino.

Dare pick your lucky number and experience the thrill!

How to play American Roulette

Next, you will find some rules and curiosities about American roulette:

  • There’s no maximum number of participants.
  • Players can play with color or value chips.
  • The dealer announces the start of the game, the winning number and the payment of prizes. Besides, if you prefer, they can help you place your bets.

The game is played in the same way as the French roulette. The main difference is that the American roulette playmat has the simple options on one side (Black/Red/Even/Odd and High/Low), while the French roulette has them on both sides.

Players must place their bets before the dealer says “no more bets”. The dealer will make the ball spin around the roulette wheel, and, after spinning for a while, the ball stops in one of the squares numbered from 0 to 36. The square where it falls determines the winning number. The dealer will announce the winning number and the winning bets, and then pays them out.

Game scheme

These images summarize the game development. Click on them so as to zoom in.

Types of bets

At the Casino Gran Vía American roulette, bets can be made using as a reference either the Layout and/or the Wheel.


In this mode, players usually place their chips on the table. This is the simplest type of bet, since it’s about playing 18 numbers, depending on the chosen option (Black or Red/Even or Odd and High or Low). It pays 1×1.


In these bets the player, with one single chip, covers several winning possibilities. The various winning combinations are explained next:

  • Straight up: With this bet you play only one number. It pays 35×1.
  • Split: This bet comprises two consecutive numbers on the layout, in horizontal or vertical direction. For this purpose, the chip is placed on the line dividing both numbers. It pays 17×1.
  • Street: You play the three numbers found in one of the horizontal rows of the layout. Other options are: betting on 0, 1 and 2 or 0, 2 and 3. It pays 11×1.
  • Corner/Square: This bet comprises four consecutive numbers on the layout or 0, 1, 2 and 3. Thus, the chip is placed at the center of the four numbers. It pays 8×1.
  • Double street: This bet comprises the six numbers found in two neighboring rows of three horizontal numbers. It pays 5×1.
  • 1st Column: This bet comprises the 12 numbers found in the chosen column. It pays 2×1.
  • 2nd Column: This bet comprises the 12 numbers found in the chosen Dozen (First P12, Second S12 or Third T12). It pays 2×1.
  • Double Column: This bet comprises all the numbers found in 2 of the 3 Columns found in the layout. Thus, the chip is placed on the line dividing both Columns of the layout. It pays 0.5×1.
  • Double Dozen: This bet is made on all the numbers found in two of the three Dozens in the layout: P12 (First Dozen), from 1 to 12; S12 (Second Dozen), from 13 to 24; T12 (Third Dozen), from 25 to 36. Thus, the chip is placed on the line dividing the squares corresponding to each Dozen. It pays 0.5×1.

It’s about covering as many numbers on the layout by using the minimum amount of chips. Please note the following bets per sectors:

  • Neighboring number: The bet is made on the chosen number on the wheel and the numbers found on both sides of the wheel: The neighbors. For example, if you place a bet on 0 and a neighbor, you’d be betting for 0, 26 and 32. If the bet is made on 0 and two neighbors, this will comprise 0, 3, 15, 26 and 32.
  • Neighbors of 0: With 9 chips, 17 numbers are covered. The chips are placed as follows:

2 chips to the cross section 0, 2,3.

1 chip to the split bets 4/7, 12/15, 18/21, 19/22.

2 chips to the square 25/29 and one chip to the split bets 32/35.

  • 0 and Neighbors: 17 numbers are covered with 10 chips. Chips are placed in the same way as Neighbors of 0, adding a full to 0.
  • Third: 12 numbers are covered with 6 chips. Bets are placed on the numbers located in the marked area of the wheel cylinder. In this case, bets are placed in the Split modality, and they’d be placed as follows:

5/8, 10/11, 13/16, 23/24, 27/30 and 33/36.

  • Orphelins: 8 numbers are played with 5 chips. Bets are placed on the numbers located in the marked area of the wheel cylinder. Chips are placed as follows:

One on straight on 1.

One on the split bets 6/9, 14/17, 17/20 and 31/34.

Winning combinations

These are the winning combinations of the American roulette. You may click on them in order to zoom in.

Winning combinations
Types of bets
Maximums and minimums

Maximums and minimums are within the fluctuation range authorized by the Autonomous Government of Madrid, and they’re explained at each American roulette table.


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Carta // MENU // 菜单

casino gran vía


Pregunta por nuestro Menú del Día Gran Café Shanghai de lunes a viernes de 13.00 a 16.00…  15.00 €Daily Menu



  • Mejillones en escabeche con patatas chips … 16.00€ Pickled mussels with potato chips 薯片醃貽貝
  • Sardinillas extra en AOVE con tomate natural … 16.00€ Extra sardines in EVOO with natural tomato 特級初榨橄欖油沙丁魚類配天然番茄
  • Navajas al natural con limón … 16.00€ Natural razor clams with lemon 天然蟶子檸檬


  • Pan tostado (con AOVE y tomate natural rayado) 3.00 € Toasted bread 烤麵包
  • Jamón de bellota Ibérico 24.00 € Acorn-fed Iberian Ham 橡果伊比利亞火腿
  • Selección de Quesos D.O. La Mancha 22.00€ Cheese selection from La Mancha 原产地D.O拉曼恰精选奶酪拼盘
  • Salmón ahumado 100% noruego con su guarnición 18.00€ 100% Norwegian smoked salmon with garnish

    100% 挪威煙燻鮭魚配菜

  • Ensaladilla rusa con mahonesa ligera y ventresca 12.00€ Russian salad with light mayonnaise and ventresca 俄羅斯沙拉佐清淡蛋黃醬和肚皮
  • Ensalada César con pollo crujiente, bacon y croûtons de pan 15.00€ Caesar salad with crispy chicken, bacon and croûtons 凱薩沙拉佐脆皮雞肉、培根和麵包丁
  • Ensalada de tomate rosado y tronco de bonito del norte en AOVE 17.00€ Pink tomato and northern tuna trunk salad in EVOO 特級初榨橄欖油粉紅番茄北方鮪魚乾沙拉
  • Crema de verduras de temporada, con croûtons de pan 9.00€ Vegetable cream of the day, with croûtons 奶油時令蔬菜,配麵包丁
  • Croquetas cremosas de Jamón Ibérico (6uds.) 10.00€ Creamy Iberian Ham croquettes (6 units) 奶油伊比利亞火腿炸丸子(6 份)
  • Flor de alcachofa a la plancha con Jamón Ibérico (2uds.) 12.00€ Grilled artichoke with Iberian Ham (2 units) 烤洋薊花佐伊比利亞火腿(2份)
  • Langostinos crujientes rebozados en panko y mahonesa de kimchi 12.00€ Crispy prawns battered in panko and kimchi mayannaise 脆皮蝦塗有麵包屑和泡菜蛋黃醬


  • Merluza al pimentón con patatas al vapor 22.00€ Hake with paprika with steamed potatotes 鱈魚配辣椒粉和蒸土豆
  • Salmón a la plancha con verduritas y barbacoa japonesa 22.00€ Grilled salmon and sautéed vegetables with japanese barbecue 烤鮭魚配蔬菜和日式燒烤
  • Secreto ibérico con chimichurri verde  26.00€ Iberian secret with green chimichurri 伊比利亞秘密與綠色 Chimichurri
  • Solomillo de ternera con atadito de verduras   35.00€ Beef tenderloin with vegetables 牛裡肌配蔬菜
  • Lomo de vaca madura a la parrilla con patatas gajo 37.00€ Grilled mature beef tenderloin with potato wedges 烤成熟牛裡肌配薯角


  • Sandwich doble mixto 8.00€ Double mixed sandwich  混合雙層三明治配薯條(約克火腿和埃蒙塔爾起司)
  • Sandwich rústico de pavo con rúcula y alioli de aceitunas negras 8.00€ Rustic turkey sandwich with arugula and black olive alioli 質樸的火雞三明治配芝麻菜和黑橄欖蒜泥蛋黃醬
  • Sandwich de salmón ahumado con queso crema y nueces 14.00€ Smoked salmon sandwich with cream cheese and walnuts 煙燻鮭魚三明治配奶油乳酪和核桃
  • Bocadillo de Jamón Ibérico 9.00€ Iberian ham sandwich  伊比利亞火腿三明治
  • Bocadillo caliente de bacon y queso cheddar 9.00€ Hot bacon and cheddar sandwich 熱培根切達三明治
  • Hamburguesa de pollo (pollo crujiente, 2 cheddar, bacon, lechuga y tomate) 13.00€ Chicken burger (crispy chicken, 2 cheddar, bacon, lettuce and tomato)  雞肉漢堡(脆皮雞肉、2塊切達起司、培根、生菜和番茄)
  • Hamburguesa Royal Casino (180gr. 100% ternera selección, 2 cheddar, bacon, lechuga y tomate) 14.00€ Royal Casino Burger (180gr. 100% beef selection, 2 cheddar, lettuce and tomato) 皇家賭場漢堡(180 克。100% 精選牛肉、2 份切達乾酪、培根、生菜和番茄)
  • Tortilla francesa con guarnición de lechugas y tomate 6.00€ French omelette with lettuce and tomato garnish 法式煎蛋捲配生菜和番茄裝飾


  • Panaché de frutas7.50€ Fruit panache 水果派
  • Flan de leche condensada 7.50€ Condensed milk flan  煉乳餡餅
  • Brownie con helado de vainilla 7.50€ Brownie with vanilla ice cream  香草冰淇淋布朗尼
  • __________________
  • Servicio de pan 3.00€
    Bread service
    (Selección de pan blanco y pan de semillas con AOVE y tomate natural)





  • DIM SUM VARIADO (4 PIEZAS)… 12.00€ Assorted Dim Sum 富丽堂皇四彩点心拼盘
  • XIAO LONG BAO DE CERDO IBÉRICO EN SU JUGO… 12.00€ Iberian pork xiao long bao with ginger鲜肉小笼包
  • XIAO LONG BAO DE CALAMAR Y MARISCOS… 13.50€ Squid and seafood xiao long bao 海鲜小笼包
  • XIAO LONG BAO DE CARRILLERA DE VACUNO… 12.50€ Beef cheek xiao long bao 牛脸肉小笼包
  • XIAO LONG BAO DE POLLO DE CORRAL Y FOIE… 14.00€Free-range chicken and foie gras xiao long bao 鹅肝鸡肉小笼包
  • SIU MAI DE TORTILLA CON HUEVO DE CODORNIZ TRUFADO… 12,50€Truffled quail egg on Siu mai 松露蛋饼烧卖
  • HAKAO DE LANGOSTINOS Y JENGIBRE… 14.00€ Shrimp Hakao with ginger 水晶虾饺
  • DIM SUM DE TXANGURRO Y LANGOSTINOS 16.00€ Spanish spider crab and shrimp dim sum 蟹虾玲珑饺
  • GYOZA DE VACUNO AL GRILL… 13.00€ Crunchy beef gyoza 生煎牛肉饺
  • ROLLITO DE PATO PEKÍN… 12.50€ Peking duck spring roll 脆炸鸭肉酥卷
  • ROLLITO CRUJIENTE DE VERDURAS SELECTAS… 12.00€ Crispy vegetable roll 素三鮮春卷
  • SHENG JIAN BAO DE CERDO IBÉRICO A LA PLANCHA… 12.00€ Pan-fried shengjian bao 上海经典生煎包
  • EMPANADA CLÁSICA CON CARNE IBERICO Y HUEVO… 14.50€ Classic Grandmas Chinese empanada 福记外婆鸡蛋灌饼
  • CANELÓN DE ARROZ CANTONÉS CON LANGOSTINO Y HUEVO… 14.50€ Cantonese rice cannelloni with shrimp, egg 港式鲜虾肠粉

NOODLES Y ARROCES Noodles and rice  主食

  • POLLO AL CURRY ACOMPAÑADO DE ARROZ ESTILO NANYANG… 16.00€ Nanyang-style curry chicken on rice南洋咖喱鸡盖饭
  • WONTON ESTILO SICHUAN… 14,50€ Prawns wonton with Sichuan oil 川香红油抄手
  • FIDEOS DE ARROZ SALTEADOS CON LANGOSTINOS ESTILO THAI… 16.00€ Stir-fried rice noodles with Thai shrimp 泰虾金甲酱爆河粉
  • SOPA DE NOODLES CON WONTON DE LANGOSTINOS… 18.00€ Shrimp wonton soup with noodles 娘惹金汤怀旧云吞面
  • TALLARINES DE ARROZ SALTEADOS CON TERNERA Y VERDURAS… 16.00€ Stir-fried rice noodles with beef 干炒牛河
  • ARROZ FRITO DE TERNERA & SETAS CON SALSA TRUFADA… 16.00€ Beef & Mushroom fried rice with truffle sauce 松露菌菇牛肉炒饭
  • ARROZ FRITO CON GAMBAS Y VERDURAS… 16.00€ Fried rice with shrimp and vegetables 虾仁炒饭


  • PATOYAKI – CROQUETA DE PATO LAQUEADO… 12.00€ Roast duck croquette 烤鸭小丸子
  • ENSALADA DE MORCILLO LAQUEADO CON VINAGRETA… 12.00€ Shank salad with Sichuan pepper vinaigrette 红油凉拌牛腱
  • CRUJIENTE DE BERENJENAS RELLENAS DE POLLO Y MIEL… 11,50€ Crispy eggplant stuffed with chicken and honey 脆炸鸡肉茄夹
  • ESCABECHE DE POLLO TEMPLADO CON ALIÑO DE SICHUAN… 14.50€ Warm chicken escabeche with Sichuan seasoning 川渝口水鸡
  • PATO LAQUEADO CANTONÉS & CHASIU DE SOLOMILLO… 29.00€ Cantonese laquered duck & Iberian pork sloin Chasiu 烧鸭&叉烧双拼
  • SOPA AGRIPICANTE… 7.50€ Hot sour soup 酸辣汤


  • CARNE DE TERNERA CON SALSA SATAY… 17.50€ Beef in Satay Sauce 沙茶牛肉
  • LÁMINAS DE TERNERA CON CREMA AGRIPICANTE… 19.00€ Sliced beef with hot and sour soup 酸汤肥牛
  • CRUJIENTE DE POLLO AL ESTILO SICHUAN… 17.50€ Sichuan-style crispy chicken 川香辣子鸡
  • BERENJENAS ESCABECHADAS… 14.00€ Fish fragrant eggplant 鱼香茄子
  • PATO LAQUEADO CANTONÉS… 29.00€ Cantonese roast duck 粤式烧鸭
  • PAK CHOY DE TEMPORADA SALTEADA… 14.00€ Wok-Fried chinese cabbage with chilies 清炒时蔬
  • TIRAS DE SOLOMILLO CON SALSA DE MANDARINA… 19.00€ Sirloin strips with caramelized mandarin sauce 蜜汁陈皮牛柳
  • CERDO IBÉRICO CON SALSA AGRIDULCE TROPICAL… 19.00€ Iberian pork with sweet and sour Sauce 果香咕老肉
  • LAGOSTINOS CON SALSA KONG PAO… 21.00€ Prawns with Kung Pao Sauce 宫保大虾
  • KU BAK CRUJIENTE DE POLLO & MARISCO… 24.00€ Crispy duck with hoisin sauce and almonds 苏梅杏仁香酥鸭
  • PATO CRUJIENTE CON SALSA DE HOUSIN Y ALMENDRAS… 24.00€ Crispy duck with hoisin sauce and almonds 苏梅杏仁香酥鸭
  • COSTILLA DE VACA LAQUEADA A BAJA TEMPERATURA… 39.00€ Lacquered cow rib at low temperature 慢炖香卤牛肋骨


cavas y champagnes

  • Cava Freixenet Blanc de Blancs… 18.00€
  • Juve & Camps Cinta Púrpura… 31.50€
  • Juve & Camps Brut Reserva de la Familia… 44.50€
  • Pol Cochet Brut Nature… 52.50€
  • Pol Cochet Brut Rosé… 55.00€


  • K-Naia Verdejo… 18.00€ D.O. Rueda
  • Óbalo Rosado… 19.00€ D.O. Rioja
  • Naia Verdejo… 20.00€ D.O. Rueda
  • Pazo de Monterrey – Godello… 20.00€ D.O. Monterrey
  • Nora – Albariño… 23.50€ D.O. Rías Baixas
  • Nora da Neve… 37.00€ D.O- Rías Baixas 


  • Óbalo San Roque… 19.00€ D.O. Rioja 
  • Óbalo Crianza… 23.50€ D.O. Rioja
  • La Celestina Crianza… 23.50€ D.O. Ribera del Duero

    • La Celestina Vendimia Seleccionada… 29.50€D.O. Ribera del Duero
  • Óbalo Reserva… 31.50€ D.O. Rioja
  • Cenit… 45.00€ D.O. Tierra del Vino, Zamora
  • Dominio de Atauta Crianza… 49.50€ 
  • D.O. Ribera del Duero

VINOS por copa


  • Cava Freixenet Blanc de Blancs… 4.50€
  • K-Naia Verdejo… 4.50€ D.O. Rueda
  • Naia Verdejo… 5.50€D.O. Rueda
  • Nora – Albariño… 6.50€D.O. Rías Baixas
  • Óbalo Rosado… 5.00€D.O. Rioja


  • Óbalo San Roque… 5.00€D.O. Rioja
  • Óbalo Crianza… 6.50€D.O. Rioja
  • La Celestina Crianza… 6.50€D.O. Ribera del Duero

olorosos por copa

  • Manzanilla La Jaca… 4.50€
  • Gutiérrez Colosía, Fino en Rama… 5.50€
  • Osborne 10RF… 5.50€
  • Oloroso Alfonso… 5.50€
  • Oporto Ramos Pinto Lágrimas… 5.50€
  • Palo Cortado Península… 6.50€
  • Oporto Noval Extra Dry… 7.50€


14.50 €

  • APEROL SPRITZ Aperol Spritz, cava, agua con gas, naranja. Aperol Spritz, cava, sparkling, orange.
  • NEGRONI Ginebra, Martini Bitter, vermouth rojo, romero. London Dry Gin, Martini Bitter, red vermouth, rosemary. 

  • TOMMY´S MARGARITA Tequila, zumo de limón, miel de agave. Tequila, lemon juice, agave honey. 

  • MOSCOW MULE Vodka, zumo de lima, azúcar de caña, Ginger Beer. Vodka, lima juice, cane sugar, Ginger Beer. 

  • GINGER & PASSION CAIPIRINHA Cachaça, lima, jengibre, maracuyá, azúcar de caña. Cachaça, lime, ginger, passion fruit, cane sugar. 

  • CLASSIC MOJITO Ron blanco, ron dorado, zumo de limón, azúcar de caña, menta, soda, angostura. White rum, golden rum, lemon juice, cane sugar, mint, soda, angostura.

  • RED FRUITS MOJITO Ron blanco, ron dorado, zumo de limón, azúcar de caña, menta, soda, angostura, frutos rojos. White rum, golden rum, lemon juice, cane sugar, mint, soda, angostura, red berries.

  • PISCO SOUR Pisco, azúcar, limón. Pisco, sugar, lemon. 

  • STRAWBERRY DAIQUIRI Ron dorado, azúcar de caña, zumo de limón, fresas. Golden rum, cane sugar, lemon juice, strawberries. 

  • ESPRESSO MARTINI Vodka, café, azúcar de caña, Kahlúa. Vodka, coffee, cane sugar, Kahlúa. 

  • PASSION MARTINI Ginebra, maracuyá, triple seco, zumo de limón, azúcar de caña. London dry gin, passion fruit, triple sec, lemon juice, cane sugar. 

  • CARAJILLO 43 Café, Licor 43. Coffee, liquor 43.


cocktails sin alcohol


  • IPANEMA Maracuyá, piña, lima. Passion fruit, pineapple, lime. 

  • STRAWBERRY FIELDS Fresa, manzana, zumo de lima, sirope de fresa, maracuyá, albahaca. Strawberry, apple, lime juice, strawberry syrup, passion fruit, basil. 

  • VIRGIN MOJITO Aloe vera, zumo de limón, azúcar de caña, menta, soda. Aloe vera, lemon juice, cane sugar, mint, soda.

  •   AGUA

  • AGUA MONTEPINOS 1/3L … 2.50€
  • AGUA MONTEPINOS 1/2L … 3.00€
  • AGUA MONTEPINOS 1L … 3.50€
  • AGUA CON GAS VICHY 1/2L … 4.00€


  • MAHOU 5* 1/3 … 4.50€
  • MAHOU RADLER 1/3 … 5.00€
  • MAHOU 0,0 TOSTADA 1/3 … 5.00€
  • MAHOU MAESTRA 1/3  … 5.50€
  • MAHOU SIN GLUTEN 1/3 … 5.50€
  • ALHAMBRA RESERVA 1/3 … 5.50€
  • CORONA 1/3 … 6.00€


COMBINADOS …  10.50€ – 13.50€
COMBINADO RESERVAS … 15.00€ – 16.00€ 
COMBINADO PREMIUM  … 21.00€ – 25.00€



BAILEYS  … 10.50€
FRANGELICO …  10.50€
LICOR 43 … 12.50€


ZUMOS … 4.00€

  • REFRESCOS … 4.00€
  • AQUARIUS … 4.50€
  • FUZE TEA … 4.50€
  • RED-BULL … 5.00€
  • TINTO DE VERANO … 7.00€




  • HORARIOS – Opening hours – 服务时间:
    RESTAURANTE – de domingo a miércoles, de 13:00 a 01:00h

    RESTAURANTE – de jueves a sábados, de 13:00 a 02:00h
    RESTAURANT – from sunday to wednesday, from 13:00 to 01:00h
    RESTAURANT – from thursday to saturday, from 13:00 to 02:00h
    周日 至 周三: 13:00 – 01:00
    周四 至周六: 13:00 – 02:00
  • COCTELERÍA – todos los días hasta las 06:00h
    COCKTAIL SERVICE – every day until to 06:00h
  •  ______________________________________________
  • Existen fichas de producción a disposición del cliente con información de Sustancias o Productos que causan Alergias e Intolerancias, según Reglamento 1169/2011
    There are production sheets available to the client with information on Substances or Products that cause Allergies and Intolerances, according to Regulation 1169/2011

 Casino Gran Vía